After a while…

Being a human is a though business. Our bodies get tired every day we need to recharge. Then we need energy to be able to move,we need to eat but not too much! Otherwise it’s a hindrance 😔.

We are supposed to be social beings, what if you like quite and being on your own… Very early on education starts, years and years we learn things we will never need or use. Even when you graduate you are clueless and real learning starts with first job if you are lucky or ambitious enough to pursue some kind of career.

Most people are stuck in loveless jobs or overworked…

Don’t you think World needs a new revolution? A kind that reverses the negative effects of capitalism and consumerism. It feels like many people live in fake happiness. Depression is almost the norm.

So what can we do to help new generation who is addicted to digital world? This should be the topic in every where but again capitalism who owns our lives won’t let their profits damaged. But why are we playing three monkeys we see what’s happening but we don’t talk about it or hide our heads in the sand so it may go away.

To escape reality people get drugs, alcohol, extreme sports, eating too much, not eating, so many ways to hurt yourself just to feel alive.

Being human is not just well functioning bodies, that’s why if we ignore or feed or won’t look after our souls life here on Earth becomes hellish.

Money and power should never have been more important then humanity. If wealth becomes your idol then you loose your reason for being human in the first place…so please remember why we are here and where are we going….

May God gives us and the next generations guidance in this hard jounery…