Learning, knowing gives you responsibility

It’s a paradoxical dilemma… The more you learn you realise how little you knew…

How blindfolded we have been, fooled actually! Truth is such a rare commodity. Finding the original of all truths, which stare at us daily, passes by many.

What is the truth you may be asking. Well everyone can has their own circumstances and truths but one thing is above all those.

The truth is we born and die. Life is not long it passes very quickly. If you worked all your life and spent your time just for earthly success or happiness it is very eluding and in the end won’t make you content or truly satisfied.

Why? Because we are although mortal contain immortal souls. That part makes us human. This soul has bound by duty to represent God on earth so we each of us emissaries of Allah. That is the purpose of our creation. So to find contentment our compass pulls us to be good rather bad.

Daily and minutely we make decisions, each one either gets us closer or takes us away from this purpose hence Allah

They are making us believe religion is only part of our lives and it’s almost like recreational activity, you do it on certain times or when you have time.

No! This is absolutely wrong for our wellbeing! Living your life according to Islam is your salvation. You can’t just pick some leave others. If you don’t organise your life according to your belief and principles you give in to wrong path.

Our creator loves us and protect us and rewarding. Heaven is eternal home if we can pass this earthly short test.

Even if we make mistakes and sin if you repent you are forgiven. That door is ALWAYS remains open. Allah is most kind and welcoming.

If we can adjust our perspective life can be so rewarding. Each event becomes an opportunity to show where we stand. So all seeing all mighty Allah loves us and forgive our sins and trespasses.

This is the simple most important truth. If you are feeling unsatisfied and depressed and you don’t know why, because we are made to discover and worship our creator, otherwise your immortal

Soul can not find peace in this temporary earth… May Allah guide us to right path and won’t us slip until our last breath…

Days of our lives…

Like a sand falling from our fingers

Time is escaping or the window of opportunity given to us ending.

From the moment we have been born everyone knows death is inevitable.

Still we give our all to this temporary dwelling…

We feel happy when we are successful ( in earthly tearms) we feel like a failure if we don’t complie with the norm.

This norm at the moment is capitalism, even a child can tell it isn’t an ideal system. Look what is happening to Earth, in ruins! They don’t care because money is idolised.

If you have noticed new generation is rebelling,” why should I do as I’m told, old system was your life, I want my way of life…”

Actually our creator, Allah, gave us the rules to live in harmony but humans are weak to temptations and ignore and try to change it according to their benefits hence the today’s chaos.

If God wanted we wouldn’t have this weakness but then life wouldn’t be a test, to earn paradise.

So our days of lives flows seemingly endlessly, we take everything for granted. Soon first end, death will knock on our doors, that would be rude awakening for most If you wasted your years on earthly pleasure or worries and never preparing for afterlife.

Second end is the end of everything, earth sun, galaxies space.. only Allah will remain. Then everything will be recreated for reckoning.

The ultimate and only justice will be shown and Allah with endless love might forgive if we deserve it.

So my dear friend don’t feel upset if you are not rich or unsuccessful rather the opposite! Every opportunity given here we have to answer what we did with in afterlife. Having less on Earth is a good thing. Less is more there for wealth wise, only virtuous and repentant have more there. May Allah guide us to right path, forgive our sins and let us enter Heaven, Amiiinnn

Photo is taken by me, enjoy 🙂

Bir varmis Bir yokmus?

Bu dunyayi masal zan ediyorsan yaniliyorsun!

Evet bircok kavim ve imparatorluklar geldi gitti daha da gelip gidecek suphesis.

Lakin biz su anda ne durumdayiz nereye gidiyoruz.

Ders alabildik mi atalarimizin basina gelenkerden? Malasef hayir

Masal gibi geliyor hatta onun otesinde tarih zaten yanlis ve kazananin diledigi sekilde aktariliyor beyinlerimiz yikaniyor.

Insanlik bos islerle oyalndiriliyor. Yamik yuluk bati super guc ve ustun kultur gibi gosteriliyor. Lutfen uyanalalim artik. Daha yakin zamana kadar banyo tuvaket kulturu olmayan bati mi ornek simdi.

Avrupada renosansin baslamasi bile islamin Avrupada 800 yil Endulus devletinin getirdigi devrim iledir

Kimligimize sahip cikmaz kendimizi kucuk gorursek bu onlarin uzun yillar yaptigi islami yok etme kampanyasinin sonucudur. Tabii bizimde hatamiz oldu. Nefis en buyuk dusman tarihin basindan sonuna kadar.

Benim acizane gorusum ÅŸu, elhamdulillah ne mutlu bize Peygamberimizin (SAV) ümmeti ve ehli sunnet dogmusuz. Bunu hakkini vererek sahabiler gibi o ilk ask ve heyecan ile yasabilsek her animizi islama hizmet ve dolayisiyla Allah (C C) kul oldugumuz bilinci icinde her kararimizda Islam pusulasi ile yol alabilsek….

Allahin merhameti herseyi kapsamis bizi nimetlerle donatmis iken bunun farkina bile varmadan kör gibi yasamak mi hayirli yoksa dimdik, musluman oldugumuzun ve bunu verdigi gururla hizmet eden bundan dolayida her ani ibadet sayilan akilli bir müimin mi olmak bizim icin hayirlidir….

Cook konusulacak konu var ne kadar ogrensem ne kadar az bildigimin farkina variyorum. Berrak bir kaynak ve ilim deryasina adim icin Degerli hocam Nureddin Yildizin online sohbetlerini nekadar tavsiye etsem azdir. Allah ondan razi olsun.

The brief history of understanding

Humans are wired by instinctive

Search mechanism

We want to know the reason

Why are we here where are we going

This a good thing because

Our creator wants us to discover

And test us how we can cope

In the worst situations

Our test is to overcome all and stay human

Which means we should never loose our cool and stay dignified

Never overstep other’s right

Be a good example to people around us and next generations

Advice our friends and family to be patient never assume or judge any one

Many of us already know what is good or bad behaviour

So what is preventing us to apply!!!

Death is not the end we have to face real punishment or rewards after we pass over

This earth and everything that has been created have expiry date

Are we ready or are we fooling ourselves thinking I should have good life here

Stars galaxies even angels will die and only Allah remains and will create everything again

If we were good we will be alright but what if we didn’t earn enough good deeds…

So history of understanding in my point of view is thus: in your heart of hearts you already know God is one and only and most merciful, just do the things needs to be doing and avoid things that you were warn not to do so we can, God willing, can enter heaven and avoid hell, amin