Where do you see yourself in ten years?

It’s such a cliché question but also very telling how we see ourselves and the World as if it belongs to us.

Who can have any kind of guarantee to reach even tomorrow? Every night we sleep without knowing if we will wake up.

We waste so much effort to be someone adjusted to rules of today’s society and it’s expectations. I feel I wasted so much time at schools university etc. All because we need to show a paper we did well. This paper doesn’t tell if I am ready to be good person or able mother / father or capable at life. It tells I passed set examples. Oh wow so am I ready to raise a baby now? Far from it!

We trust our innocent babies to schools but real school should be our homes. Where you learn by good example and true morals to set you up for life and after.

Whole world is our school and our time here is about learning the meaning of existing. Nothing belongs to us, we are here only temporary. If we put too much emphasis on this short stay we loose so much,it’s uncountable. Do we learn this at school? Never! We are like race horse trained to jump or run but for what? Money?

Can you buy time? can you buy peace? Real test isn’t passing exams at schools but knowing we are part of huge project called creation. Everything and us belong to Allah. If you are a beliver you passed the firts hurdle if you can live every second feeling yes I am extremely lucky to be part of this project I should do my very best to own my role. Now you are ready to earn good deed points every step even while sleeping insaAllah. Now if you get married open business or raise family you can be the best example by following right path that can take you and people around you to ultimate goal… Your creator’s approval and rewards here and after life God willing. If you live without knowledge of the test how can you pass? Good news is Allah tells us in detail how to 😃

Learn it from only source Quran. Many people converted to Islam after reading it. Islam means peace/ peaceful. I know from my own experience nothing gives more satisfaction than finding the right path and following daily….

After a while…

Being a human is a though business. Our bodies get tired every day we need to recharge. Then we need energy to be able to move,we need to eat but not too much! Otherwise it’s a hindrance 😔.

We are supposed to be social beings, what if you like quite and being on your own… Very early on education starts, years and years we learn things we will never need or use. Even when you graduate you are clueless and real learning starts with first job if you are lucky or ambitious enough to pursue some kind of career.

Most people are stuck in loveless jobs or overworked…

Don’t you think World needs a new revolution? A kind that reverses the negative effects of capitalism and consumerism. It feels like many people live in fake happiness. Depression is almost the norm.

So what can we do to help new generation who is addicted to digital world? This should be the topic in every where but again capitalism who owns our lives won’t let their profits damaged. But why are we playing three monkeys we see what’s happening but we don’t talk about it or hide our heads in the sand so it may go away.

To escape reality people get drugs, alcohol, extreme sports, eating too much, not eating, so many ways to hurt yourself just to feel alive.

Being human is not just well functioning bodies, that’s why if we ignore or feed or won’t look after our souls life here on Earth becomes hellish.

Money and power should never have been more important then humanity. If wealth becomes your idol then you loose your reason for being human in the first place…so please remember why we are here and where are we going….

May God gives us and the next generations guidance in this hard jounery…

Home sweet home

I love staying in

The comfort of familiar environment

Things I need close by

Freedom of sleeping anytime

Playing with my cat

Praying, reading learning

Cooking eating chatting

I feel like I am catching up lost opportunities

Concentrating on the right subject from clear sources re educating myself

All in all virus taught us to look in more than out, at least that was it for me

I hope World learns the old ways were impossible to keep up

We work but the profit goes to capitalist elites coffers

I believe behind curtains certain people play us fools in the stage of life

They make rules to suit them, rich never lose poor never wins

They think this can continue! Well I think not, specially new generation won’t be willing to slave to their rules

They might try to damage or dismiss religion or God but the creator has other plans…

Human beings might have bad and good inside but I trust good is stronger and will win

Even weak seem to be at losing end infact they are the winners…

This temporary Earthly life will end then we have to face our deeds and give account, those who ruled Earth won’t be able to get away in the real judgment day. Weak and poor will be happy if they were true believers and trust God insaAllah… Amin

Days of our lives…

Like a sand falling from our fingers

Time is escaping or the window of opportunity given to us ending.

From the moment we have been born everyone knows death is inevitable.

Still we give our all to this temporary dwelling…

We feel happy when we are successful ( in earthly tearms) we feel like a failure if we don’t complie with the norm.

This norm at the moment is capitalism, even a child can tell it isn’t an ideal system. Look what is happening to Earth, in ruins! They don’t care because money is idolised.

If you have noticed new generation is rebelling,” why should I do as I’m told, old system was your life, I want my way of life…”

Actually our creator, Allah, gave us the rules to live in harmony but humans are weak to temptations and ignore and try to change it according to their benefits hence the today’s chaos.

If God wanted we wouldn’t have this weakness but then life wouldn’t be a test, to earn paradise.

So our days of lives flows seemingly endlessly, we take everything for granted. Soon first end, death will knock on our doors, that would be rude awakening for most If you wasted your years on earthly pleasure or worries and never preparing for afterlife.

Second end is the end of everything, earth sun, galaxies space.. only Allah will remain. Then everything will be recreated for reckoning.

The ultimate and only justice will be shown and Allah with endless love might forgive if we deserve it.

So my dear friend don’t feel upset if you are not rich or unsuccessful rather the opposite! Every opportunity given here we have to answer what we did with in afterlife. Having less on Earth is a good thing. Less is more there for wealth wise, only virtuous and repentant have more there. May Allah guide us to right path, forgive our sins and let us enter Heaven, Amiiinnn

Photo is taken by me, enjoy 🙂